If you think these 6 things about pool, you couldn’t be more wrong
Oh boy, what kind of stuff people have said about pool. Everytime I tell people that I’m a pool player, clichĂ©s are starting to fly. Here are my top 6 🙂
Oh boy, what kind of stuff people have said about pool. Everytime I tell people that I’m a pool player, clichĂ©s are starting to fly. Here are my top 6 🙂
Efren “Bata” Reyes, aka “The Magician”, is one of the best-known, most popular and best pool players of all times. At his peak – he’s over 60 now – he literally shocked the pool world with his skills, especially when nobody knew him in the 1980ies. Still today his game seems to be from another planet. Us “normal” players will never get there; and still we can learn from him.
Do you often have the feeling that your practice doesn’t pay off? You do drill after drill, but don’t see any improvements – or your results get even worse? The reason is a mean effect that occurs while we’re learning.
Here we go again: My fourth Let’s play… pool! is ready to watch on Youtube. This episode is special in two ways: (more…)
“Hold your wrist straight!” “Follow through!” “Now get your s**t together, will ya!” Do you know these instructions, probably from the inside of your head? I recently read the book “The Inner Game of Golf” by Tim Gallwey. Gallwey first came to public attention in the 1970s, when he explained his concept of the inner game in his bestseller “The Inner Game of Tennis”. He was a tennis coach at that time and quickly noticed that tennis lessons with a lot of verbal instructions and technical corrections just didn’t work and stressed out his students. Especially he noticed that his students criticized themselves very harshly. (more…)
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